Words on the past G20 Summit in Toronto and follow up on the original G20 Toronto 2010: PEOPLE ARE WATCHIN’ www.youtube.com Talking about G20 tactics and local media with Tdizzle of TdotUnderground www.TDotUnderground.ca HIP HOP StuntZ b-boy skills Peter Bones – Official G20 Anthem www.youtube.com CP24 Toronto Mayors Debate official reaction to diversity of tactics from candidates (for Mayor of Toronto) George Smitherman, Sarah Thompson, Rocco Rossi, Joe Pantalone, and Rob Ford modifies his previous G20 related comments. ALSO, reporter Bryan Law of Press for Truth explains the follow-up police services investigation story of his pre-G20 arrest for filming the financial district of downtown Toronto prior to the summit. VIDEO ‘Press For Truth Arrested While Reporting On The G20 Summit www.youtube.com Dan Dicks of Press for Truth warns everyone to beware of a dangerous Anarchist bloc leader posing as humorous activist Charlie Veitch of the Love Police… G20 DOCUMENTARY COMING SOON: Press for Truth pressfortruth.ca G20 Hollywood Psychological Operation: G-20 Protest clips with Charlie Veitch who explains his G20 arrest story for failing to surrender identification under the public works act secret law and jailed in Torontanamo Bay film studios… RESPECT CVEITCH www.cveitch.org Toronto Truth Seekers www.torontotruthseekers.com SiLSa! Productions Support.in.Local.Scene:action!
Video Rating: 5 / 5
This is how my days usually go at Mediocre Films Studios, aka my house. Sometimes there aren’t as many people here and sometimes there are more. All I know is I really should be editing tomorrow’s Yeshmin videos right now.
Video Rating: 4 / 5