Question by Elizabeth: how can I be a humanitarian and film editor at the same time
I love doing both so much! So i wonder how I can make a difference in the world by being a film editor.
I’m also wondering what an independent filmmaker is or how it can be different being an independent filmmaker than a “motion picture” filmmaker. I love to edit videos but doing a real job that involves 20 hours of work, traveling and meeting tight deadlines in one day is gonna kill me!!
Best answer:
Answer by Mad Dog Dawson
To be a humanitarian, as I see it, is simply to behave in a way that helps or benefits others. If both in your personal and work life (film editing, for example) you seek out ways to benefit those around you or in your community, etc. you can practice what you love.
If you want to apply your skill ‘to all of humanity’ through your work, it would be easier as an independent filmmaker than to work for a studio (if you can land the job). The ‘business’ of film making is for making money although individuals within the industry can make uplifting films or films that tell a story that may benefit mankind. See this source to get a better idea of what you are in for and the actual skills needed:
If at school or in your local community, or on the internet, you can associate with other artistic people who are attempting to produce their own films then you may be able to help them (a nice humanitarian gesture as the pay will be little or none – I’m not being flip – it’s just tough to fund local productions) and further your own abilities.
In any case good luck, a good heart usually wins out in the end.
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