Question by Allison: I want a career in film, but I don’t know what part..?
I’m 17 years old, and I’m a senior at a Catholic school in Des Moines, Iowa. I love making movies, and I make little youtube videos for fun. I always liked editing, but I’m really starting to dislike it. Plus, when you edit, you’re always alone and you don’t get to do any of the fun stuff. I think it wouldn’t be a very self-rewarding career for me. I think production would be sooo much more fun, but I don’t know exactly what part. Acting would be cool, but I haven’t taken any classes or anything. The most I’ve done for acting is being the main role in my 5th grade play. I’ve tried researching jobs in production but it’s all kind of confusing. It’s so hard to choose what I want to do, and its my last semester of High School. I’m getting so scared.
I was just wondering if there were any experienced people in film that could help me and clear up the different jobs that there is to do.. I definitely don’t want to do anything technical with special effects.. Like animation. I wouldn’t like doing anything with lighting either. Camera operating would be fun, and maybe producer/director.. It would just make it easier if I knew what I was getting myself into before I did and make the wrong decision.
Best answer:
Answer by Buster Hymen
Be a key grip or best boy.
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