Question by YuckFou: How important is the mid-coeli? …is it accurate?
how important is it? …can anyone interpret mine?
my mid-heaven is in Leo, trine mars & square pluto…
sun in the 10th house
I am currently taking up a college course in multimedia & looking forward to a career as a multimedia artist…hopefully getting into film production in the future…
can anyone tell me what my professional life & career would be like?
interpretations will do…
here’s the rest of my chart…
pls don’t just copypaste…tnx
here’s the link…
Best answer:
Answer by GibBas
With Leo on the cusp of your MC and the Sun in it as well shows you definitely need to “shine” in your career. You have to be at the forefront of things, and be the boss but if that’s not possible, you’ll need to be left to get on with things by yourself.
Any planets that make aspects to your MC have to be taken into account and depending on how strong they are will influence your career. (Unfortunately I can never open links the way you gave it, in black, when they’re in blue I can but they never seem to work your way).
Mars / Asc. shows you need a career with plenty of action going on. Pluto is the planet of transformation, the begining and ending of things, other people’s money, medicine that sort of thing. Is Pluto sextile Neptune in your chart, a generation aspect but it would bring a link to films and illusions into your career.
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