Question by Guiseppe: Do women on birth control lactate?
I was wondering if women on birth control lactate. If I understand correctly, the hormones in birth control pills cause the body to think it’s pregnant when it is in fact not pregnant. Since milk production increases during pregnancy it would make sense that women talking birth control would have an increased production of milk. Is this so?
I ask this because I saw a documentary where this woman was a wet-nurse, yet she was not pregnant, nor had she ever been pregnant, she claimed.
Best answer:
Answer by living4god3884
Um…there is a potential for it yes due to other problems but normally no. Usually, women are advised not to be on birth control during their “nursing” times so for about a year after having a baby. Now, there is birth control out there (progesterone only based) that woman can take when nursing if she wants to be safe and still be sexually active. Estrogen in birth control actually stops milk production…but there are some cases where women on estrogen hormones lactate.
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