Film Explores Groundbreaking Work
In 1967, Mart Crowley wrote a pioneering play, “Boys in the Band,” a close-up look at a group of gay friends, which became a film a few years later. On March 16, Crowley and other participants from…
Read more on The Daily Darien
Film Explores Groundbreaking Work
In 1967, Mart Crowley wrote a pioneering play, “Boys in the Band,” a close-up look at a group of gay friends, which became a film a few years later. On March 16, Crowley and other participants from…
Read more on The Daily Greenwich
Film Explores Groundbreaking Work
In 1967, Mart Crowley wrote a pioneering play, “Boys in the Band,” a close-up look at a group of gay friends, which became a film a few years later. On March 16, Crowley and other participants from…
Read more on The Daily Easton
Film Explores Groundbreaking Work
In 1967, Mart Crowley wrote a pioneering play, “Boys in the Band,” a close-up look at a group of gay friends, which became a film a few years later. On March 16, Crowley and other participants from…
Read more on The Daily Stamford