Growing Up Julianne
Image by vancouverfilmschool
For her final project in Entertainment Business Management, Sandra Rojas Gonzalez created a short film that will also serve as a proof-of-concept to draw interest and investment for a future web series.
Sandra began developing the world of ‘Growing Up Julianne’ with only the broadest idea for this modern fairy tale. As producer, it was up to her to assemble a team to make this concept a reality, from an experienced director to makeup artists, and to lead the production every step of the way.
Watch ‘Growing Up Julianne’ on VFS’s YouTube channel.
Find out more about What You Will Achieve in VFS’s one-year Entertainment Business Management program here.
Soap Box
Two years ago, actor-director-producer Gene Abravaya added another hyphen—and the word “playwright”—to his string of achievements, unveiling the satisfyingly fresh comedy The Book of Matthew , which mined juicy comedic material from his rocky relationship with his father.
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