Question by : Besides ucla/chapman/usc…. What’s the next best film school in CA?
It would be nice to have a backup!
Best answer:
Answer by krishnakishorek
Hi David,
You can try the following
AFI: The American Film Institute, known more commonly as AFI, is a well-known film school located in Los Angeles. It is noted for having a film program which is set up in a style which allows new students to be mentored in film by individuals who are thoroughly knowledgeable about the industry. The program here is a two year Masters of Arts program.
CalTech: And speaking of technology, the final film school which makes the California list of best film schools is CalTech. Although it’s a school for science and technologies, it has a film department which is noted as one of the best in the country, making use of modern technology to create modern art.
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