Question by Billy: What’s my chances of getting into film school?
Alright heres the situation:
I am an aspiring film student from Bedford, New Hampshire. I am a senior at Bedford High School (one of new englands top public high schools). I have a 3.7 GPA and a 1400 math/verbal SAT score (2030 overall). I took all honors/AP classes up through my junior year, where I was taking AP Psychology, IB history, IB english, IB math, and IB physics. My senior year I am taking IB Film Studies, IB Film Production, and IB calculus and I currently have all A’s. I played varsity basketball my sophomore and junior year but am playing for my church this year. I work at a local television station producing documentarys, I have made several videos for fundraisers including one that benefitted the family of my friend who died of cancer (the subject of my application essay). I am a two year member of student government and an officer of my schools chapter of National Honor Society.
Those are my credentials, here are my schools:
The Dreams – USC, UCLA, NYU
The Reach – Florida State
The Goal – Emerson College (Boston)/Central Florida
The Safety – University of Vermont/UMass Amherst
If anyone could give me any feedback on their experiences or some advice i would greatly appreciate it. It would mean a lot to hear from some people who are currently attending the schools I listed. Thanks for taking the time to read and help me out.
Best answer:
Answer by PE2008
If you’re lucky, you won’t get in. Better still, don’t even apply. Film School is a dead end for most students. The great majority never make a career in Film or Television, and their film school degree marks film grads as frivolous, irresponsible losers. Many are forced to scratch out a living selling videos to parents at McDonald’s birthday parties, where they have to wear a clown suit and red rubber nose.
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