by Steve Rhodes
Buying a Sweater and Choosing a Film School ? Are There Some Common Threads?
If one is considering the purchase of a sweater, it is essential to know more about yourself that the actual sweater when you begin shopping. What are your demands for color and size, do you want pull over, “v” neck, or buttons, what materials do you like, should it be washable or is dry cleaning acceptable, what about weave, design and cost? These are just a few of the questions that must be answered about yourself and your desires before consummating the experience with a purchase. However, since we have probably shopped on numerous occasions, we are very familiar with our criteria for making a selection.
Selecting the right film school is similar, but more exhausting since this is not something that we do frequently. In fact a task like this is often done only once, so it is incumbent on the shopper to prepare themselves fully so the