Question by DarrenTheKoolComic: What school should I go to for film?
Im from LA. I’m currently going to Pasadena City College (PCC). Its my 1st year in college & Im not sure which school is best to transfer to after comunity college. I’m looking for a good film school, but Im aiming to work as a film Producer, Director, Writer, Screen Writer, Film Editor, & Actor. Most film schools usually land you in he studies of camera work, cinematography, & set work, which are the areas in film in which I have no interests.
Best answer:
Answer by PE2008
Make sure you understand that by studying anything to do with “Film”, you are almost guaranteeing yourself unemployment after graduation, and you will very possibly be living on the street in a cardboard box.
Choose something adult and responsible to study, unless you want to be a parasite.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!