A tragic tale of a girl’s love of food… Lazy Susan is a unique short film that combines animation, and visual effects, with live-action, to tell the dark tale of a girl’s unpredictable taste in food, and the consequences of her actions. Running time: 6:30 Directed by: Albert Art Director of Photography: Devin Karringten Original Score: Alain Mayrand Cast: Allen Sawkins (Narrator) Evelyn Chew Candace Woods Michael Bridgman Jesse Inocalla Jenny Abel Bebhinn PIdgeon Tara Browne VFX: Seema Schere Peter Liang Branden Brushett Theo Maniatis Rodrigo Fiallega Tim Erem George Deaney Audio: Bruce Gerrish Josh Rosario Country of origin: Canada more info LazySusanFilm.com Become a fan on Facebook facebook.com
Columbus, Ohio: my band gets to play a couple epic songs with Marky Ramone of The Ramones. An experience I will never, ever forget. Download the entire Adventures of Power soundtrack: adventuresofpower.bandcamp.com Hi All! Thanks for checking out my film “Adventures Of Power”. I could have never made this film without the support of YOU, my fans! Next few weeks: air-drumming competition, an auction to raise money for charity, an indie filmmaker kit and a lot more videos. DVD on Amazon: amzn.to Itunes: bit.ly and available at Walmart THANKS YOU GUYS! Subscribe to AriGoldFilms: youtube.com Subscribe to Adventures of Power: www.youtube.com Join the movement! AdventuresOfPower.com http facebook.com Closed captioned for the hearing impaired. All good photography in this VLog is by Gabriel Roth, photofusionmedia.com ; The blurry stuff was done by phones.
Video Rating: 5 / 5