Question by tt: What Can I Do About College Tuition?
I am kinda upset right now because I’ve been searching and searching and I just can’t find any affordable colleges that have my major/area of study which is Digital Film, Film/Television and or Advertising Design. I’ve found 2 of the best and most beautiful art colleges that have those exact majors but they are over 30,000-40,000 a year for tuition, room and board, and college fees. Tuition nowadays is absolutely ridiculous! I am seriously amazed! I want to go to a college just for art and design but because they are private and specialized in just art and design majors, they are sky high. I even tried looking at some cheap universities and only a few had my major and they were still 20,000 for out of state students; which are a lot cheaper for tuition, room and board, ect than art and design schools but they are still too high. My parents won’t co sign for a loan and you know a 18 year old won’t get a 30,000 loan.
I’ve always wanted to become a director and or a designer for fashion billboards and ads but it seems like it’s not going to come true in 4 years. Right now I’m at a community college. I’m just going there because my parents made me and to stay on their insurance. Is anybody else in this situation? What can I do this year or in the near future to go to the college of my choice. I heard Obama put in a plan for college tuition. When do y’all think that will come into effect?
Best answer:
Answer by DEE W
See if there is a state college that offers this. Many times these private school are not as good as they appear. ITT Tech for example. And remember tuition can be deducted from income tax without itemizing up to 4k. Which means up to 1k off the tax bill.
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