Question by hobo<38: Do you agree with me or her?
Ok, so there is this girl and lately I have been hating her constantly.
1. I made a movie for my Film and Video Final and I had to put her name on it because she was my “partner.” She didn’t do ANY of the work. Not even so much as to show up for the filming or editing. She didn’t even call to get together and I gave her all of my personal info
2. While we did our peer evaluation of the movie she gave herself a three (out of four) which clearly states that she “did more than a share of the work, participated with group members, gave feedback, etc”
3. She practically copied my speech and was chosen to present it. I don’t know how she had the same things as me but I’m sure that a) she looked at it in one of our classes together. b) one of the teacher’s showed it to her (because they like her and wanted to give her ideas) or c) I guess you could just call this a coincidence but I highly doubt it!
4. She thinks she is the perfect little child with her “cute” hair and good grades and sweet voice and is “nice” by not cussing and always helping and doing her hw, etc!!!!
BTW, I am NOT jealous. I think I will look prettier than her @ the end of the year thing and I have better grades than her and I actually have a life! She thinks she is so perfect – I know I’m not perfect and to be frank, I don’t want to be perfect—that would be really “gay.” I feel like ruining her dress the day of the event or tripping her while she walks down the isle or something just to embarrass her as she has been ruining my life. I gave up so much of my time just to do that final video and I had to put her name on it.
OMG, I’m sorry this was so long but I needed to vent, but all of my anger is still not out.
Best answer:
Answer by Maranda A
I agree with you, because I know what it feels like to be taken advantage of.
But don’t do anything to physically hurt her. At least not just yet. Just hold out because the school year is almost over and HOPEFULLY you won’t have to deal with her next year. And if you DO, then you can deal with that when the time comes.
Oh and if she’s copied off your work, thats cheating, and you might want to tell a teacher about it.
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