Question by luann: can anyone give me some suggestions on my essay about corporation?
Nike, McDonald’s, Chanel, Gucci are brand names people can hear everywhere. These mean more than simply a name or a brand. They have large impact to each individual’s life. To have impact to the society is the goal for almost every corporation. A corporation is a business firm legally recognized as a separate entity in it own right. The documentary video, “The corporations” investigates into corporations in depth from promotion to production, from CEO to shareholders. The video evokes the negative impact corporations have to our society. Corporation as a form of business, disrespects the working force, damages the environment, and influences the idea of “money over human life” to its customers.
The video first suggests the harsh conditions the employees who work for the corporations are in. To meet the bottom line, corporations seek for all possible ways to cut down costs and expenses.
One of ways is to move their production factories to the undeveloped countries, so they pay less to maximum the profit. The video provides the evidence of a collection of clothes which were made in undeveloped counties, such as Salvador. The price was $ 178, but the cost price 74 cents which is not even 1 percent of the price. It almost seems the labour force is worthless in terms of value. It also creates unhealthy competition from other forms of business that provide equal quality of goods/service to earn less profit because they appreciated their employees more with a higher salaries. If every corporation is looking ways to pay as low as possible to its costumer, then the purchasing power will be reduced for the country which will lead to many economic problems. Moreover, corporations treat the workers as machines. For instance, Nike requires its workers to make a shirt in only 6.6s which is inhumane.
In addition, corporations contradict themselves by saying they want to help poor children in undeveloped countries. They release news such as donating money to charity to help children in order to have a good public relation. However, a large percentage of their workers were under 13. This is totally against the Child Labour Law and the purpose of helping children.
Environmental destruction is the second issue created by the corporations to maximum the profit. Problems with toxic wastes, pollution, and synthetic of chemicals led to the damage to human body, animal and earth biosphere. One of the evidences can be found in the milk industry. There is a big demand for milk for Canadians. However, farmers could not supply enough. A corporation named Monsanto solves the problem by adding artificial hormones to the cows. Cows suffer under such condition. If human drink the milk, will have health problem as well.
Further examples, such as DDT causes cancer and birth defects, experiment medicals on animals are common, creates water problem by pollute wastes into river/lake. However, corporation doesn’t care because its goal is to make money, and they say their goal is to “make life better” in superficies.
Finally, the darkness of corporation attacks human mind. Business people working for Corporations demonstrate the belief “Money is the most important thing.” When 911 happens, despite the sympathy for the dying bodies, many defense manufactures find it to be a great opportunity for their business. It’s not understandable and sympathetic for people to have such reaction to the tragedy. Furthermore, the corporation is training its consumers to be “mindless.” A research is conducted to show the effectiveness of nagging on purchasing behaviours. The result states that 20% to 40% purchase would not occur without nagging. 25% to theme park and 40% visits to Chuck E. Cheese’s result of nagging.
The choices those innocent children weren’t necessarily good for them, but they went into the corporation’s trap which is the promotion aspect of a company. The competition of promotion causes firms to pay less attention to the quality of the service/good, so fewer improvements are made to make a better life.
All of the evidences indicate corporation creates an unhealthy society. In the video, corporations argue that they are individual with rights and they want to be their customers’ friends. However, who wants to have a friend with no concern for others, breaks the law, disregards safety and aware of its guilt?
could anybody give me some suggestions on it?
thanks a lot!!
Best answer:
Answer by ME
Good Luck with your Essay.
You need to get yourself together. You seem to have way too much going on. Take a break, head to a retail store, walk around the mall, drive around and think about what you want to write about.
Clear your mind so you can get thru the writting process.
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