ESSAY LENGTH DESCRIPTION ALERT! 2010 video delivered very late, I know but it has been a busy first month of 2011 already with college, uni applications, my birthday (!?), new ballet class & baby ballet to teach, London Townn, Wicked for the 3rd time = LOVE… I apologise for how downhill the editing goes, I just wanted it done tbh. Random fandom photos shoved in too :S But here it is. The year of change, year I’ve felt most alone/confused perhaps…but the year I feel like I’ve really learnt who I am. I probably rode a horse less than 15 times in 2010, and I can count the number of ballet classes I went to on one hand. Maybe that’s what added to me going crazy…but most of all – moving from London to the Isle of Wight literally CHANGED EVERYTHING. I never, ever expected that it would be this hard, and I still don’t know if I think it was all worth it. There’s a lot of things about this year that aren’t summed up through photos or videos, so while there’s less outwardly interesting looking events compared the last 2 year roundup videos ~ so much has happened. (And I mean…the NMA’s, Wicked, Elephant Parade, Portobello, Platform 9 3/4, working at a wedding, Bestival…that’s enough :D) I’ve had wonderful times in London with my best friend in the world, I’ve met amazing new people, started a new job (and I would never have realised how hard working in a pub would be either?!), started studying film, made a documentary, had some fab days and of course; seen the end of …
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Dirt 3 (stylised as DiRT 3) is an upcoming rallying videogame in the Colin McRae Rally series, developed and published by Codemasters.[3] It contains a new racing mode, gymkhana, which is featured in the teaser trailer. “Colin McRae” has been removed from the title of the game.[4] The game will feature split screen and a cockpit camera view. It is scheduled to be released globally on 24 May 2011 for the PS3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows. The game will feature Ken Block’s modified DC Shoes Ford Fiesta. It will also feature official World Rally Championship Cars and Classic Group B Rally Cars such as the Audi Quattro. DiRT 3 rally classes: There are 9 Pure Rally classes with 6 non rally classes. The classes are: Rally: WRC, Open rally(Rally america), Super rally 2000, Group B(4WD), Raid, 60s rally, 70s rally, 80s rear wheel drive and 90s. Non Rally: Rallycross, Modern Trailblazer, Classic Trailblazer, Landrush trucks, Landrush Buggies and Gymkhana.