The Eleven Faces of Doctor Who: A tribute / compilation / celebration of all 11 Doctors and the actors who have played them. Includes the names of each actor and a record of their time as the Doctor. This video is essentially an ‘extended remix’ for those who enjoyed my ‘The Eleven Doctors’ video. * All footage taken from original episodes / documentaries. * The closing picture is by artist Jon Pinto. * Intro Theme: Mobius Variation by Floorten. * Main Theme: Multidimensional Mix by HardWire. — THE DOCTORS — 1. William Hartnell (1963 – 1966) * Also appeared in ‘The Three Doctors’ (1972) 2. Patrick Troughton (1966 – 1969) * Also appeared in ‘The Three Doctors’ (1972), ‘The Five Doctors’ (1983) and ‘The Two Doctors’ (1985) 3. Jon Pertwee (1970 – 1974) * Also appeared in ‘The Five Doctors’ (1983) 4. Tom Baker (1974 – 1981) 5. Peter Davison (1981 – 1984) * Also appeared in ‘Time Crash’ (2007) 6. Colin Baker (1984 – 1986) 7. Sylvester McCoy (1987 – 1989) * Also appeared in ‘Doctor Who: The Movie’ (1996) 8. Paul McGann (1996) 9. Christopher Eccleston (2005) 10. David Tennant (2005 – 2010) 11. Matt Smith (2010 – ?) * Also worth noting is that all of the Doctors have appeared in later episodes through archival footage (except Matt Smith.)
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