Question by Dollbaby Melissa: Did the “Blair Witch kids” expose themselves TOO EARLY AS ACTORS in the midst of rumors that it was REAL film?
It certainly wouldn’t have taken too long for the fact that it was “JUST A MOVIE” to be known by all. Back in 1999 however, the internet wasn’t something that everyone yet had access to. Global, rampant chatter did not exist {to the mass extent } like it does now a decade later. Cable news was still relatively new aside from CNN and a fledgeling FOX that was still in it’s infancy…….In early August of 1999, a disturbingly well done Sci-fy channel special had many people buzzing that this movie was actual footage. For everyone that originally knew it was just a movie all along, you would run in to someone else that swore it was definitely real. The point is that the Blair Witch filmmakers could have got maybe another 1 or 2 weeks of fascination out of the film before the TRUTH came to light that they were just college kids who were aspiring actors. THAT would have probably meant SEVERAL MILLIONS more in total gross for the simple fact that EVERYONE { not just horror movie fans and kids } would have been lining up to see this gruesome documentary that they thought “might be real”……..But alas on the same week the movie opened, the 3 stars of the Blair Witch Project appeared on the MTV music awards as presenters. The “controversy ended”, and maybe the hope for a few extra million ended with it.
Best answer:
Answer by markwillstar
they would have done better if those no named actors and actress had just stayed out of the spotlight. their appearance at the awards was mistake 1
those two movies rank #3 on my worst movies ever
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