Question by Kalee: I am talented and am looking for a job acting in movies or short films.?
Hi, my name is Kalee Anne I am 14 years old and have been involved in theater since third grade.Acting is my life and I am trying to move away from theater and do short films or movies. I have blue eyes and blonde hair I am 5″4 and 110 pounds. I am very easy going and layed back (I am not naturally energetic but could easily play ditzy blondes).I am very artistic and music is my life. I have an alternitive style and would love to play a dark character. I live in the chicago land area and would really like some places I can find casting calls. I am not curently looking for an agent but if offered I will concider.
here is a photo.
any information would be great thanks alot. :]
Best answer:
Answer by mischachic
your pretty. you should definetely get into acting. i have a website you could go to.
check it out. if your really interested in acting and if you REALLY love it.
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