link below to playlist of all 11 parts of this “The Importance Of Being Earnest”: ‘The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde Gary Bond … John Worthing, JP Jeremy Clyde … Algernon Moncrieff Alan Hay … Lane Directed by Michael Attenborough (stage) and Michael Lindsay-Hogg (TV) It was broadcasted on US television in 1985 (when I recorded in on this VHS tape), and that is the date given in several references, but it was originally produced in 1981. This production has never been commercially available for purchase in any media format. Oscar Wilde was famous as a dazzling personality and sparking conversationalist, but he wasn’t described by his contemporaries as acting like one of his characters in his plays, tho. Max Beerbohm told SN Behrman: “Well, in the beginning he was the most enchanting company, don’t you know. His conversation was so simple and natural and flowing–not at all epigrammatic, which would have been unbearable. He saved that for his plays, thank heaven.” WH Auden writes (reviewing a collection of Wilde’s letters): The post-prison letters are more interesting than the pre-prison. To begin with, Wilde is now a lonely man, without an audience of his social and intellectual equals, so he puts into his letters what in happier times he would have expressed in talk, and the reader gets glimpses of what his conversation must have been like: “I assure you that the type-writing machine, when played with expression, is not more annoying …
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