Question by : Memento vs Requiem for a Dream?
From the Cult Classic Bracket, two acclaimed independent films from the year 2000. These two films rank among my personal favorites (so much so that I have had these two posters hanging on my walls since 2001). Darren Aronofsky and Christopher Nolan are two of the most talented filmmakers of their generation. Aronofsky made his mark with the stylish and heartbreaking adaptation of Hubert Selby’s Requiem for a Dream. Nolan drew plenty of attention for his inventive and introspective mystery Memento. In my assessment, these two works remain the finest movies of the current decade.
So, which one do you prefer and why?
Best answer:
Answer by Riviere
Better made, better story and characters.
I’m going to have to disagree about Aronofsky being talented. Maybe I’m missing something, but his output to me (with the exception of The Wrestler) has been abysmal.
What do you think? Answer below!