Question by Meg: Can I go to graduate school for Anthropology with a BA in Documentary Production + minor in Gender Studies?
I have a BA in Documentary Production and Cinematography with minors in Photography and Gender Studies. I want to get my master’s in Anthropology so it will make me more marketable as a Documentarian for companies such as National Geographic and the Discovery Channel. Not only is it marketable, its something that I’m passionate about. After acquiring my Master’s I would like to eventually get a PhD in Anthropology. Do you think I could get accepted into an Anthropology graduate program? I hope my minor in Gender Studies will help and I will explain in my essay why it would beneficial to me as a documentarian. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by DEE W
You better be passionate about it because you will have a tough time finding work in that field. Good Luck. As for graduate school if you have courses in that it will help you get in.
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