Question by anonymous22: what should i do about my friend?
My two friends and I had to make a movie for film lit. Okay we’ll call them Friend A and Friend B. Anyway, Friend A and I worked really hard on the movie. We literally took all of our free time (including weekends and days after school) to work on writing, filming and editing our movie. Overall it took Friend A and I about five weeks to finish the whole project. Friend B on the other hand didn’t help at all. The teacher had each group in our class sign a contract saying that each group member had to work on the movie equally. Friend B played a character but didn’t help write, edit or film. She was always busy and we notified her like a week ahead when we would work on the project. So basically Friend A and I made the movie, not Friend B. The teacher gave us a participation sheet to see how many points each person should earn. What should I do about Friend B? Should I tell the teacher that she didn’t help edit or film? Please help! And no rude comments. Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Cheng ZAIO!
be honest. the other friend isnt going to see what you put, so put what she deserves.
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