Filmmaker Michael J. Murphy and G. Edward Griffin talk with Alex about What in the World Are They Spraying, a documentary that covers chemtrails and the rapidly developing industry called geo-engineering driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water — all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. The documentary is now avaialbe at the Infowars store. Michael J. Murphy is an independent journalist and political activist from the Los Angeles area whose work focuses on issues that go beyond the interest of the corporate mainstream media. G. Edward Griffin is an author, film producer, and political lecturer. Griffin founded Freedom Force International, a libertarian activist network, and is the other of numerous books, including the classic The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. Pre Order Your Copy Today at…
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For close to two decades, thousands of Central American migrants have lost their dreams, limbs and lives trying to illegally cross Mexican territory. Mexico represents a great challenge for those whose only goal is to reach the northern border hoping to incorporate themselves into the United States. Their Calvary begins in the state of Chiapas, the moment they step on Mexican soil. For the Central American migrants, Mexico has become a cross- less cemetery, an agonizing journey with no way back, a travesty only comparable to hell itself. In order to do this documentary, filmmaker Pedro Ultreras rode the mexican cargo trains with a group of central american migrants for more than two weeks. La Bestia is a heart breaking film by Pedro Ultreras with the assistance of Hiram Gonzalez, an independent journalist from Nogales, Mexico. La Bestia” es un documental sobre los migrantes centroamericanos que cruzan México montados en los techos de trenes de carga que muchos conocen como el tren de la muerte o “La Bestia”. Pedro Ultreras, desafío los peligros y se monto en “La Bestia” para cruzar México con su cámara al hombro, con un grupo de centroamericanos en una de las travesías mas peligrosas que un migrante pueda realizar. La Bestia, una historia de esperanzas. sueños, dolor y muerte, realizada por Pedro Ultreras con la asistencia de Hiram Gonzales un periodista independiente de Nogales, Mexico.
Video Rating: 5 / 5