Question by bb: What do most film producers say about their job?
Do the like it or not so much? Anything will help thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Bell Porter
I think most film producers have to love their jobs to be able to do it right. It’s such a full on job that your heart has to be in it. You also have to be very organised and be able to delegate and order people around. It’s not for the weak! You need to be able to push your way in and be very confident in who you are and your abilities.
Graham King, whose a film producer with multiple oscar nominations says: ‘I’m a film producer. How do you define a film producer? Wow … my job is to find screenplays, books, articles, and develop those into shooting scripts. Hire the actors, the director – sometimes even finance the movies.He’s involved all the way through overseeing the day-to-day running of the shoot of the film, overseeing the post-production, the release of the movie, the marketing campaigns, trailers. ‘And trying to get the talent to do publicity, which is never easy. So really my job is, from start to finish – everything.’
hope this helps 🙂
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