“Tapestries of Hope” is a feature-length documentary that exposes the myth behind the abuse of young girls in Zimbabwe and brings awareness to the efforts of the Girl Child Network and their fearless founder Betty Makoni. This is a 2:58 min teaser trailer of the documentary, directed by award-winning filmmaker Michealene Cristini Risley, produced by Anand Chandrasekaran and Ray Arthur Wang, and currently in post-production. The project’s blog featured daily live-blogs during the shoot in Zimbabwe, and was featured on “The Huffington Post”, the world’s top-rated news blog. The blog also won a “Media Blog of the Year” award recently for its pioneering use of new media to raise awareness and build community. Even though it’s set in Zimbabwe, the message about abuse is universal. Expose the Myth. End Abuse. Donate. savehope.blogspot.com FORWARD WIDELY, THANKS! DONATIONS WILL GO BOTH TO HELPING THE GIRLS DIRECTLY ON THE GROUND AND INDIRECTLY BY GIVING THEM A VOICE THROUGH THE POWER OF FILM! http www.youtube.com Petition: tinyurl.com Donations: savehope.blogspot.com Our website: www.freshwaterhaven.org Movie site: www.tapestriesofhope.com
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