Question by adee: I’m having a crisis! I’m 20 years old. And I feel lke I need to start planning my life and career.?
I’m not quite sure what occupation I want to direct myself in because I want to do so much! I want to open my own bakery, I want to be a documentary photographer, and I love saving animals. Ps. I’m vegetarian. I’m a very creative person and a normal job just wouldn’t do it for me. If you are any of 3 please lete know how you got there but if not any advice would be helpful. Please be detailed with your answers. Also any other careers that would be appropriate for someone like me please let me know.
Best answer:
Answer by jimmy
It’s good you are thinking about it. When I was your age I didn’t know what I wanted to do either. Now I’m 32 and still have no idea. Seriously, from 20 to 32 was like a flash in the pan…yes, that fast. Definitely pick something and start working towards it, otherwise you’ll wind up stuck in some stupid desk job making crap pay then going home to a disappointed wife every night.
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