Question by Chiyo: English sentences – correction, please?
I’m studying English by myself. I’ve got a new workbook but there is no answer keys 🙁
I have to correct the words in the brackets.
1. Talc, a soft mineral with a variety of use, (sold is) slabs or in powdered form.
2. (Alike) ethnographers, ethnohistorians make systemic observations, but they also gather data from documentary and oral surces.
3. Insulation from cold, (protect) against dust and sand, and camouflage are among the functions of hair for animals.
4. One of the problems of the United States agriculture that has persisted (during the) 1920’s until the present day is the tendency of farm income to lag behind the costs of production.
5. Early European settlers in North America used medicines they made from (plants native) to treat colds, pneumonia, and ague, an illness similar to malaria.
6. Some insects bear a remarkable resemblance to dead twigs, being long, (slenderness), wingless, and brownish in color.
I guess
#1 – is sold
#2 – (no idea)
#3 – protecting
#4 – during
#5 – native plants
#6 – slender
but I’m not sure.
Please help!
Best answer:
Answer by Kylie
1. solid
2. unlike
4. during the
5. native plants
6. slender
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!