Question by megan j: Basically I want to know whether Black & White Digital Photography is acceptable or old school B & W film?
I really feel like going old school and getting back into darkroom/printing etc….
I just wanted to know whether in the photography world if manipulating b & w images is seen as acceptable and if most photographers do this?
Cos if it is acceptable then i might a well buy a digital SLR and save myself the money of darkroom costs.
although i do like the dreamy idea of not being able to see my pictures until the end 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Mere_Mortal
Depends on the format. Doing 35mm? Then stay with digital…that’s fine.
If you are really interested in great B&W then you need to step up to large format. Check out the Toyo or Calumet 4×5″ view cameras. Affordable and your B&W will be awesome.
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