This 1993 spoof was originally a competition entry run by CVG Computer and Video Games Magazine. You had to re-enact a scene or scenes from Star Wars, though I also attempted to express filmmakers struggle for independence against the Hollywood system. The ‘force’ became the ‘Lucas’, the ‘Empire’ became ‘Hollywood’ and the ‘Rebels’ became young new independent filmmakers. The entry was successfully published in the magazine, but the prize (a trip to California to tour Skywaker Ranch) fell through. In 1997 it was eventually seen by Rick McCallum, the producer of the prequels, who told me that I could go to Skywalker Ranch anytime. In March 2005, while attending a film Festival in Tiburon, I finally got the tour. We then re-mastered the film in 2003 adding digital effects and the ‘Phantom Menace’ to Luke’s screenplay to then spoof the 1997 special editions. Starring: Derek Boyes, Richard Wilkinson, Chris Eldridge, Miles Watts and Oliver Kneesbeck NOTE: This version has been cut down from 14 minutes to 10, in order to abide by YouTube’s rules and regulations and therefore the first scenes may seem a little jumpy and incoherent. You will soon be able to see the full version on my site soon.
Video Rating: 4 / 5