Using classical studies on delinquent subcultures discuss and explain why some young Muslims feel they need to join Islamic extremist groups?
Chapter 1: Introduction
In the dissertation I will try to show how young Muslims become radicalized by Islam and ultimately join terrorist organisations. Firstly focusing on Albert Cohen’s work on the delinquent subculture, I will look at how young boys become part of a delinquent group. Is it just the working class who are frustrated by society, who feel inferior to the middle class and feel they must reject society and create their own set of rules, values and norms. However is it also the middle class boys who feel isolated by their position in society, frustrated at that fact their parents set high standards and give them no freedom and then they ultimately become delinquent. I will then focus on the work by Ian Buruma who wrote ‘Murder in Amsterdam’ and look at what drove Mohammed Bouyeri to murder Theo Van Gogh. What made Bouyeri commit a