Question by Jordan: I’m 14 and interested in film.. how do I pursue my dream of being a film producer?
I’m 14 years old and I go to a High School in Toronto. I am really interested in film and photography, I would really like to become a film producer when I am older and have been looking into the University of Southern California, or Ryerson University. How should I begin to plan my future, as of now, in grade 9, there aren’t very many ways for me to express myself, please help!
Best answer:
Answer by AndrewM
Well for one thing the Producer is mostly in charge of the financial side of the process. He gets the royalties to play music and writes the contracts with actors. If you wanted to do that you would get a degree in something like theater management and get a job on a community theater. Then maybe some small time art films and if you get lucky get hired by Paramount or some big studio to run a project. It is more business than art. If you want to do the art side of film look into directing or script writing. Scriptwriting is where the money is.
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