Question by hollatata101: independent boarding school in the uk?
i’ve been looking to go abroad, and i need some help. what are some good independent boarding schools in the uk? so far, i’ve visited the edinburgh academy..its ok. i also like ampleforth college (york), strathallan, glenalmond, and a couple others, what are some really good ones with good academics and good theatre/arts departmetns? thanks
Best answer:
Answer by mrgumpy
The best resource I’ve seen for UK schools is the Good Schools Guide (which you can get at Amazon). It has a quirky but reasonably accurate description of each school and gives you a good idea of the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Do you want co-ed or single sex? Do you want religious (if so, which one)? Do you want IB? Or are you principally interested in academic results? You can check league tables in the major newspapers (try the Times or Guardian online education section). Some independent schools also have Ofsted reports (which are thorough and give an excellent indication of what the inspectors think the school does well and could do better).
On a more specific note, I’ve only heard good things about Ampleforth recently…
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