Hosting Movies on the Web
Do you love scripting and shooting movies? Do you have a movie that has a spellbinding storyline but not quite sure how to market it? Well, you have probably heard about and their phenomenal success hosting virals on their web site. It started out very small, on a shoestring budget, and grew over just a few years into a business worth millions. Shooting video for fun has been a commonplace global pastime for years. Even back in the 80s there was ‘Candid Camera’, and a host of video clip shows on TV. The clips shown on TV like UK’s ‘People do the Funniest things’ are no more than 1 minute in length. Soon, broadband speeds allowed for the hosting and transmission of these clips on the web. No advertising costs, just a web site with a video clip embedded.
This accessibility has placed virals in the public eye as