Royalty Free Music in Film
There was a time when you had to lug around bulky, costly equipment if you wanted to make a movie for school or another reason. It cost a lot of money to shoot and edit the footage, turning it into your vision. In today’s digital era, you can create a film using a cheap digital video camera and some computer software and broadcast your vision to the world. For very little money, you can also use royalty free music to add a soundtrack because, after all, you can’t have video without audio.
While there’s a world of possibilities at your fingertips, there’s also a world of risk. You have to know how to use them legally, especially music. For example, you can’t use just any piece of music for a school project. Copyrighted music, like the Beatles’ song “Revolution,” can be used in a lesson about the politics of the 1960s. It cannot be used in a video you