Question by ecstacy: Can my job thats coming up as a production assisstant/ runner on feature film help me climb sexy magic ladders?
Hello I’m one of the many people looking to work in film industry. and recetly it appears that I may be about to land a role as a production assisstant/runner on an upcoming feature film in US.
Just have a few qestions. I know that people start in these jobs as a stepping stone to a higher position within the crew/industry; I was just wondering how does that change come about. who normally makes that person’s position move up. how oes it happen, do they work for the same production company/director/producer or how does that happen?
the reason why I’m asking is because I’m an irish person currntly living in england in the 1st year of my degree course in film production & cinematography. I’m going to leave the course to look for work – which is partly about to happen.
Just wondering i take this role how likely am i to receive further work on the back of it. I don’t have a huge amount of money – so hopefully they payme; just want to know is this worth taking in terms of what it may lead on to, or is it likely this is a one-off with no real value for my career prospects in the future.
Just so you know I have a huge interest in film industry – thats where i want to work – and eventually (like everyone) become a director. if this job came up in england I’d take it in a second. but because it’s in us makes it difficult for me and i want to know how important this oppurtunity may/may not be?
Best answer:
Answer by toasterphantom
Don’t take it if it doesn’t pay, but hopefully it will. How one moves up in film is one develops contacts. Basically they get to know people who are in the industry. If you are a runner and you meet say, a camera operator, and he knows your name and that you work hard, next time he is working on a film and they need someone he might say “Oh! I know this person, Blahblah, and they’d be perfect!”. Then you get your next job.
Getting a job as a runner in a big film is a GREAT stepping stone. You’re very likely to meet dozens of people, any of which might be your key to your next job. Advice, even if you hate someone, bend over backwards to accommodate them and make it seem like you like them. They might believe it enough to get you a better job.
The likely hood of you receiving further jobs increases the more you work, the more enthusiastic you seem about work, and the more people you talk to. Getting this job is the first step.
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