Question by Grettel: Camcorders for a beginner looking to make short films?
I plan to shoot short films, interviews, and nature scenes. Basically anything I can get my hands on at the moment. My budget would be at most $ 500-600 because I am a beginner and I don’t want to be too overwhelmed to begin with. I have an Apple Macbook and that’s what I would plan to be editing with, also what kind of editing program should I get? Any tips would be a great help, thanks for your time!
Best answer:
Answer by Star
panasonic hdc-sd10 words with imovie (it sais it on the box)
Its full HD and stuff, google it, its perfect!
imovie rocks. If you are trying to make amazing effects, like ones you would see in the movies or on tv shows, then you should get FInal cut (like $ 1000 and quite complicated)
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