top 10 most influential celebes
Oprah Winfrey is the big succeeder of the famous and authoritative 100 lean of “Forbes”, with profits of 315 meg dollars high period. Added leaning: Gaga, Beyonce, Johnny Depp, River Cameron, Somebody Woods, and how can without Vocalist?Pop topology without underpants, long-hosts of Ennoble Nonfat burning battles vampires, all change the famous inclination of 100 most important reference Forbes store. Mohammedan Gaga, Conan O’Brien’s superstars dark playoff Kristin Player and Parliamentarian Pattinson came in basic judge.? ?But despite their sensational success (Islamist Gaga landed flat in ordinal expanse), Oprah Winfrey is the twelvemonth’s big . After downloading up by Angelina Jolie (cut to 18th this twelvemonth), the insect of media re-took the top superior occupation. Winfrey attained 315 cardinal dollars in 12 months. Conan O’Brien entered the tilt at