Question by eyesonlyus: If Al Gore is so concered about the environment, where are our electric cars?
“An Inconvient Truth” is a movie where former Vice President Al Gore explains why the world must take steps to counter Global Warming. Another documentary directed by Chris Paine called “Who Killed the Electric Car?” (coming to theatres June 30) also explains the issue of Global warming and may point out how Gore’s withdrawl from politics allowed the Bush Adminstration, Big Oil, Big Auto, and the status quo to discard policies such as the Clinton Adminstration’s Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) in favor of gas guzzling SUVs. My question is, if Al Gore is so concerned about the environment, why did he quit supporting campaigns to make sure that the Bush Adminstration upheld environmental policies such as PNGV? Secondly, where are our electric cars? Finally the big question: Why can we not find ANY parts to build our own electric generators and electric motors not even for a simple high school science experiment?
OK Details time. (Time to weed out all your knuckleheads who have made the Yahoo! News Message Board such an aweful place and all you other knuckleheads who get their politics from Bill O’Riely and Al Franken.)
Yes, I know all about the supreme court decision in 2000. STFU about that. My point is that since then, Gore has not done something like become part of the EPA or DOE or something. He wants the government to do something yet he has not sought to join any other government agency were he can be of influence.
Secondly, by electric cars I mean 100% electric. Not hybrid. Also to the guy who pointed out the obvious fact that batteries make waste, it all depends on electrochemistry. There are other alternatives aside from Lead, NiCd, and Li-ion. A little simple chemistry goes a long way.
Finally, do any of you people know who Nikola Tesla is? This technology has bee suppressed for generations but for no reason? Why is that?
Best answer:
Answer by jacksfullhouse
We have electric cars. They’re called Hybrids.
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