Question by blahh: What are the job opportunities for this double major?
English and Media Production.
English consisting primarily of composition (writing for business, functional grammar, etc.) and film theory (issues on cinema & culture, film aesthetics, etc.) courses.
Media Production consisting primarily of film production (cinematography, video direction, etc.) courses and pop culture studies (media, culture & society, media ethics, etc.) courses.
Would my chances of getting a job after graduation be increased with both majors?
What kind of jobs could I get with these 2 majors? Not jobs like ‘lawyer’ or ‘teacher’ that require further education or certification.
Best answer:
Answer by A A
If you’re talented, maybe copy writer or something like that?
A more likely job would be english teacher, however; the certification is really simple in most states, its a multiple choice test (in most states).
I was able to complete the certification in one day. Granted the state I live in had cut their education budget, so there were no new education hires, they rather put priority on people who were working at schools which were closed.
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