Question by Paul: How to write a sequence of shots using Screenwriter?
I want to write a sequence of shots and time change (same style as seen in Up) using Screenwriter but I don’t know the proper formatting style. Can anyone help?
Best answer:
Answer by Scar Jokes
You don’t write sequences. That is the director’s job. The studios hate when they see in the screenplay “slow motion” or “camera angle”
Write the screenplay without shots, if you plan to direct, you can set up your shots then.
Set Up Page
12 Font
Write Title In All Caps
then by your name
for example
by Craig Cragger
then write your name, adress, city, postal code and email address at the bottom of the first page.
The dialogue is written in the center of the page (center it)
(center of page)
this is crazy bro!
then write the actions, set it up to the left…
John walks over to Mike and YELLS.
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