Question by sarah a: i want to study filmmaking?
i want to study filmmaking and theater (directory, producing, stuff like that). what do i need to do in high school to get in to UCLA school of theater, film, and television or a college in new york? like what kind of classes should i take? what should i get involved in?
Best answer:
Answer by Paramorerocks
I’m in a special academy that focuses on media & technology. We turn in movies that we made ourselves for grades. In high school try taking a film classes, film study, or theater as you can get experience with actors. Join a film club. Go out into the world and film your own products and edit them with whatever software if you can. My school has Final Cut Pro so I use that.
As far as directing it can be tough. You have to work with different personalities and ideas both from your cast and crew. Its important not be controlling and to be open. Communication skills are key here. Scheduling can be grueling and as a film maker you must be willing to have flexible film times so that it works for director, cast, and crew. If you have no actors you have no movie.
Actors need to be able to portray emotions and feeling in a realistic manner that gets through to the viewer. Actors need to be prepared to fit into a variety of roles, which theater can help with.
If your really serious about editing then you can get certified by Apple by taking their classes and test in FCP. Its on their website. I’m an editor and its more fun because if you know the directors vision its a job you can do on your own.Editing is really important because it affects the look and quality of your film through visual look and sound quality. FCP has special effects and color correction that can enhance your film if you do it in the right way.
My youtube is musicfan413479 please check out my Eleanor Rigby music video and tell me what you think. I was the editor. 🙂 We filmed it in 3 weeks.
Overall the hardest part is scheduling and time. You wanna be able to get good shots with good lighting and sound. If you rush on filming then the end product will not be so great.
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