by Matt Woolner
Question by gaki_rin: Navy Education for graduates of a useless field?
So I’m about to graduate from college in the spring (7 months) with a B.A. in Film Production. I’ll be 21 years old.
But I’ve realized that this is not what I want to do with my life. My entire family are engineers and I’ve slowly come to terms with the fact that I was meant to do the same. I know I’ve wasted four years and a lot of money, but I’d like to fix this.
I’d like to join the Navy and through them get a degree in some manner of engineering (haven’t decided which yet.) I’ve got a bit of debt from Stafford Loans, but that’s it.
But the NROTC program requires that you have no more than 40~something hours of credit. As someone one and a half semesters away from graduation senior, that credit limit has long past.
Looking at their website, there aren’t a lot of options that will allow me to both study, train, work for living costs and be able to pay down my student loans. I realize if I’m studying I will be able to postpone the loans, but that’s only if I’m considered a full-time student, which I’m not sure I can do through the other programs.
I’m going to go see a recruiter to talk about it, but while I fret at my internship, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas/knew more about it.
Best answer:
Answer by alex
You can still apply for a 2-3 year nrotc scholarship even if you already have over 40 credits. I would advise seeing a recruiter because there are also other programs for paying for college depending on what engineering major you wish to pursue.
For more info go to:
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