by Honda News
Question by Deomcracy Now The war and Peace report: are Illegals doing more harm to USA ..?
Do you really believe that a undocumented ,uneducated person is harming the USA more then the us citizens ,politicians,big corporations,that have been running this country for decades.
All this gov.bail outs ..billions of dollars paid by our tax money, into a fake war in Iraq and Afghanistan that is killing troops and innocent civilians every day .
The 911 attacks were almost 3000 people where killed in a secret plot organized by our government.
A broken health care system in the riches country in the world.
And what about the harm our government has done in other country’s
Since 1945, the United States has overthrown fifty governments, including democracies, and crushed some 30 liberation movements, and supported tyrannies and set up torture chambers from Egypt to Guatemala and all of Latin America. Countless men, women and children have been bombed to death. “The War on Democracy is a 2007 award-winning documentary film directed by Christopher Martin and John Pilger. Focusing on the political state of Latin America, the film is a rebuke of both the United States’ intervention in foreign countries’ domestic politics, and its “War on Terrorism”.
Who is the harm ???
The Answer ..your answer has nothing to do with what i wrote so if you don’t have anything to say about what wrote don’t “answer”..bad bad ..”answer”
Straight shooter i recommend you to look this documentary ..Loos Change
Best answer:
Answer by Tecumseh
I know the white race has done more harm to the earth more than anybody else!
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