Question by SarahRamone: What course would be better for a career in film editing/animation?
Hello! I’m doing a careers class project where I have to pick a career and then figure out my entire high school life depending on it…
So I have chosen Film Editor/Animator.
I get 8 courses in grade 11, and I’m supposed to make the courses reflect the career I’d like, but also fulfill my requirements. I’ve chosen…
1. University English
2. University Math
3. Astrophysics
4. Film Production (Communications Technology)
5. Animation
6. Sociology/Anthropology/Psychology
I have two courses left, and I can’t decide between these three courses.
Media Arts – Photoshop, website design, graphics and a bit of animation on the iMacs.
Media Studies – Studying movies and ripping them apart for politics and stuff.
Marketing – Title explains it.
Which two of these three courses would be most beneficial to a career in film editing or animation?
Best answer:
Answer by KMcG
Media Arts and Media Studies.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!