Question by bellenoiseuse7: What is the best way to get a job in film production?
I have 2 years of finance experience and would like to get involved in the production and financing of films. What is the best way to break into the industry?
Best answer:
Answer by Sara B
I got a Baccalaureate’s degree in Broadcasting and Electronic Media this past summer and I’m still trying to break into it.
Internships are a great resource–it gets your foot in the door of a company and it’s where most TV stations do their hiring from. Mainly, you just have to wait for an opening at a film production company, file in an application and wait.
Since you’re mainly on the financial side, it’d be better for you to get with a Producer–the guy who finances the whole picture and/or came up with the material for the show. If there’s an Executive Producer, he’d be good to talk with as well since that would be the Head Hauncho, next to the Director.
The main thing I’m doing now is just scouting for opportunities. Business is booming in the Southeast and other big cities that want to draw people to film their town. Otherwise the main sites are NY, CA, and Austin, Texas.
Good luck to you.
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