by Matt Woolner
Question by Harlow: Is this is a good career plan? I really appreciate your advice.?
Lately I’ve been feeling very confused and overwhelmed with my future plans. I am Canadian and am currently in my third year of Drama & Communication Studies ( studying acting & film production) and was planning on doing a three year generals degree than moving out to Toronto for work. I’ve been thinking & thinking and am now considering doing the four year honours program. I will write out my plan, please give me your feedback. I don’t really have anyone to share this with & feel the need to blurt out my life plans, lol.
– Finish my four-year honours program, but live in Toronto during one whole semeter while taking online courses. (I want to live in Toronto that one semester to gain industry related experience, I am doing a film internship in the summer!)
-Apply for grad. School in California (USC, UCLA…etc) for Film & Television Production M.F.A
-Return back home for my second semester of my last year & graduate with a bachelor’s in Drama & Communication/Media/Film.
– Attend graduate school in the fall in LA
The reason why I want to go to grad school in so cal. is because I want to reside there & obtain a green card. By studying there, I get a work visa for 2 years and 6 months after I graduate. I hope to find a job during that period of time so that I do not have to come back to canada. Also with a master’s teaching is always an option (security). Basically I feel like doing my master’s in cal. is an excuse to be there. While I am there studying it will be easier to find a job. I can also be studying and pursing my career at the same time since I am in california where there are many production/acting opportunities. Mind you that I do not have any expenses at this point in my life. I am not paying for my current ungrad. degree & have a car. I have no debt. I will receive some financial support for my masters as well. I will have to pay for living expenses in Toronto & Cali. By the way, I have a roomate to share rent with in Toronto, so I’,m not so worried about that as I am cali. I have really great marks, and feild related experience. I am driven & passionate, and want this. Originally I wanted to do the three year undergrad because I understand that the entertainment industry is based on networking and talent…not education. By completing the four year program though, I can do a master’s and move to california. Do you think it’s a bad idea to do my master’s? Should I just finish the four year degree & move out to Cali.? I don’t think so because I will not find work there since I am not a legal citizen in the US. It’s hard enough to find film work there even if you are! By studying there, I feel like I’m there for a reason. I can study & look for work, and hopefully stay there. California is where I want to reside either way. I am not interested in Toronto or Vancouver.
Best answer:
Answer by Brenna
If you posess a degree – or any extra qualification – then you’ll already be in front of of the crowd when it comes to hunting for jobs. My buddy has a degree and he wasn’t certain what direction to go with it, but he discovered some excellent instruction on the site in the resource box below which guided him to decide that he wanted to be a lab assistant. There is plenty of guidance on the site regarding extra jobs.
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