Question by chibifilms: How would the Philippines response to a Hollywood film group coming in to help the film industry?
1. Negotiating lower or no taxation for local filmmakers.
2. Negotiating gants for up and coming filmmakers.
3. Negotiating for the Government to invest into State-of-the-Art Digital film/video equipment.
4. Developing more incentives for producing better scripts and better productions for Indie’s.
5. Help open up the vast talent of unknown actors and actresses.
6. Help develop methods of reducing Piracy.
7. Help in the Internation Distribution process for local films.
8. Help to bring in International films for production in the Philippines utilizing the pool of on and off camera talent.
9. Help to bring in International film investors.
10. Help the Philippines to become the next Hollywood or Boliwood…PHILIWOOD.
Best answer:
Answer by conor
find some of the hot girls and bring them back to the U.S.
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