Question by Heythur Bumface: Do many film directors write their own scripts?
I know Tarantino does.
The reason I’m wondering is because I wanted to be a writer. I’ve written my first book but I’m seventeen-years-old and I don’t know what to do with the publishing, my uncle’s a writer and he was going to sign me up to one of his publishers or agent or whatever but he changed his mind told me I’d only get a small percentage of the book like he did with his and my book deserved more than that. We had to end our planning and he said we’d find out what to do with it next time we talk.
In the meantime I went to a college opening and found the perfect course – film and video production. I met all the requirements from what I’m doing in school, the college is close to my home and I always wanted to be a director (before I the writer thing). But I found a new passion for it again and I don’t lose passions easily. I’m not a fickle person.
So, I decided, maybe I should keep my story. I have plenty of more stories in my head, too. So, that’s perfect. I write the scripts and direct. Why not? Do many film directors do this?
Is there important information I’m missing out on or something I should know about what I’m considering? Thanks.
*small percentage of the money
Best answer:
Answer by ☆skyblue
Many directors come up with stories, but they usually have someone else write the screen play. But, there’s no reason you can’t do both. Some other famous directors/writers (besides Tarantino) include M. Night Shyamalan, Tim Burton, Steven Spielberg, Ron Howard, Robert Zemeckis.
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