Question by Crocodiles are the shiz: What are short films for? where can you buy them? where can you see them?
I don’t get it. I’m not talking about dvds guys but their is this video I want to see that is categorized as a short film (under IMDB) so there is no dvd or cassete tape for it. How do people see these videos then? how do the actors and directors get paid for the short films if there is no dvds or cassetes for it? Why not just make a whole movie or commercial why a short film?
Best answer:
Answer by Bell Porter
short films have a whole industry of their own. occasionally they get released but usually they are just done as part of a directors or producers portfolio. You can do a lot with a short film that you cant do with a feature film, because there’s a shorter amount of time to develop the character and create a conflict and resolution.
The best bet you have of getting to see a short film listed on imdb is by downloading it.
Sorry 🙂
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